St. Wyatt Grant Consultants provides professional grant consulting services to our clients. Clients can choose the comprehensive package of grant services or can choose just the portions of the grant process that are more challenging for them. The grant process can be a daunting task especially when you have so many other goals you are working towards, and no additional staff to focus on securing funding for those efforts. We can help you achieve your grant funding goals.
Partner with a professional grant consultant to inspire solutions and create possibilities! As grant consultants we work with you to define solutions, locate funding for those solutions, and complete the grant process for you. From beginning to end, you have a partner to work with you to achieve your goals.
Grant coaching involves getting to the heart of your needs and dreams, determining your readiness to enter and complete the grant process, and envisioning the possibilities that grants can bring to your organization. What is your organizations' vision? What is your mission? Where do you want to lead your organization? How are you going to fund the journey?
Passion for mission leads to possibilities. You must believe in your mission if you want grantors to believe in you. And, you must envision the possibilities. Grantors want to fund projects in organizations that are going somewhere.
A grant coach can help you clarify your needs, assess your readiness, and inspire passion for mission by illuminating the possibilities of grant funded solutions and growth.
Grants are part of the strategy to bring your possibilities to life. You can be passionate about your mission. You can envision the positive accomplishments in your future. With all those possibilities you must narrow them to the next best step for success. Planning the possibilities means developing a possibilities schedule that integrates grant funding.
Grant strategizing is evaluating your mission in the context of your short plan that helps you fund current needs. Your medium plan looks forward to the next bend in the road, into the future beyond your organization's immediate situation. Next is determining what your funding needs and dreams will be two to five years down the road. Grantors want to know their funds are part of a bigger plan with a developed strategy.
A grant strategizer can work with you to plan your next best step, and the next best step after that, and the next best step after that. A strategy that connects your vision to grant funding is putting possibilities on the schedule.
Funding those next best steps begins with researching grantors and grant opportunities that match your mission’s next best steps. Grants are a partnership between the grantee and the grantor. It is a journey you invite the grantor to become a part of, whether for a short-term project or a multi-year, multi-level project. Moving your mission forward by taking that next best step requires finding a grantor whose mission is to fund organizations that support their vision.
For example, a grantor’s mission is to fund STEM Labs in low-income schools to prepare disadvantaged children for the workforce of tomorrow. By preparing disadvantaged children for the workforce of tomorrow, the grantor is lifting not just one child out of a lifetime of poverty but rather are lifting that child’s future family out of poverty, and the generations that come after. If the grantor can prepare every child in that school for tomorrow’s workforce, then in just one generation an entire neighborhood can be lifted out of poverty. That is the grantor’s vision. If you are that school, you are a key to the success of bringing that grantor’s vision to life.
As grant researchers we have access to grant industry resources that have taken years to accumulate, catalogue, and cultivate. Researching grants can be incredibly time-consuming. In every industry paying your dues through long late-night hours and hit-or-miss trials, costs the novice time and money. We have the resources, experience, and connections that will save you both.
Grant preparing can involve gathering specific organization documents, bios of the organization's leadership, statistical data, and financial data. It can involve defining the need, goals and objectives, developing a budget, setting a timeline with milestones, and defining the expected outcomes. Developing this information can involve interviewing the organization's leadership, key stakeholders, subject matter experts, industry suppliers, and end-users. The gathering of this data is one of the most important steps in the process of grant writing. The adage, you only get out what you put in, is applicable to writing winning grants.
As grant preppers we gather data on the grantee through the eyes of the grantor, we keep the data focused on the grant including the grantor’s mission. Interviewing the organization’s partners and experts furthers more thoroughly comprehending the motivation, intention, means, and desired outcomes behind the grantee’s request for funding. Articulating the data within the grant format requires concise and precise responses. St. Wyatt Grant Consultants' researching, interviewing, and technical writing talents have secured funding for a diverse client base.
Let's Talk!​
The grantor has specific application requirements some can be as simple as writing a brief, concise, and specifically formatted Letter of Intent. Others can require replying to a Request for Proposal, Notice of Funding Opportunity, or a comprehensive grant application document.
All these methods of application include a narrative portion that is the heart of the grant request. The narrative is both art and science, it must capture in words mission, vision, and the compelling purpose for the grant that aligns with the grantor’s purpose. The narrative must express passion while meeting the factual details the grant application requests. Once written the grantor has specific requirements to submit the application.
All these specific requirements must be met, or the grant will not make it through the many layers of competitive steps established by decision-makers to award the best grant. St. Wyatt Grant Consultants' talent and experience in technical writing, narrative grant writing, and attention to grant submission details position our clients for grant awards.
Once the grant is awarded the grantee / grantor relationship continues until the end of the award period. Some grantors require periodic reporting of grant award progress, others require less frequent reporting, still a few require only end of award reporting. The report must adhere to the grantor’s required format and timeline. The reports require connecting actual work progress with the original grant’s goals, objectives, milestones, and budget. If the grantee does not file these reports by the pre-established deadlines with the correlating grant narrative the grantor can lessen the award, deny reimbursement until reporting issues are resolved, or withdrawal the grant entirely.
Some awards require documentation of grant award progress that can include receipts, vendor invoices, copies of issued / cleared checks, affidavits, and photographs. It is important to pre-set a recordkeeping and bookkeeping system with clearly established policies and procedures for project managers and vendors to adhere to. Failure to hold all involved accountable can result in a pile of unpaid invoices at the end of the project.
Our team of talented and experienced grant professionals can help you set-up a post-award system. We will write and submit your grant progress reports to keep you compliant so you receive all the funds awarded to you.
Grant Leads
Increase your chances of winning a grant award by purchasing a quality grant lead researched by a professional grant writer. Put your time, effort, and money to work where it will have the best chance of success.
Once you make a purchase you will receive an email within 24 hours from St. Wyatt Grant Consultants through an encryption link, with a Grant Lead Client Information Form to complete. This form will ask you a series of questions that will describe your organization, the project or program needing funding, the amount needed, and when you need the funding. Within seven (7) days from date of purchase you will receive your Grant Lead that will include the name and contact information of the grantor, the grant application with instructions, and the deadline for grant submission.
Grant Copy Editing
Grant Copy Editing of your grant by a professional grant writer. Increase your chances of being awarded the grant you wrote by having a seasoned and successful grant writer copy edit your grant prior to submission. In competitive grant writing every point matters. Getting the simple part right counts. Having a compelling narrative that also checks off grantors' requirements within the designated word count places your grant in the first-round draft pick.
To request Copy Editing Services, please contact us for an encryption link to upload your grant documents for review. We will access your documents then provide you with a written estimate indicating the number of hour(s) for your grant application Copy Editing.
You do the prep and unfront work. We do the finshing touches then polish it up. A winning team that increases your chances of winning and saves you several thousand dollars.
Let's Talk
One of the most time-consuming and confounding tasks for an organization that is preparing for a grant is procuring estimates for materials and services. If you need a grant for security window film, you will need to get an estimate, or several. If you need a STEM Lab you have to search suppliers and their products to present options to your board. You will need contractors to prep the site for electrical and internet requiring more estimates.
St. Wyatt Grant Consultants offers the additional service of procuring estimates. Too many times we have witnessed great grant opportunities being missed because the grantee had no time or staff to secure estimates for the project. We have been researching suppliers and materials for decades. We can search suppliers and contractors, get estimates, and present the options for you to decide.